This past Wednesday, I went with a group to Oak Grove Arkansas for a Camp Meeting at a church called Harvest Assembly.
This church was out in the middle of a hay field nestled in the hills of Arkansas. It was a beautiful new church with the most hospitable people that fed the visitors a meal before services started.
Inside the church, behind the platform was this beautiful banner made by one of the women in the church. I don't think I have ever seen one this beautiful.
When I walked in and saw it, I was reminded that our Savior Jesus Christ came first as a lamb, and is getting ready to return as the Lion from the tribe of Judah.
Here at our weekly Bible Study, we have been studying about the harvest and in particular about the harvest of souls in these last days. God puts little reminders in our everyday lives of what He is doing in these last days and what He is going to do. I realized this when I saw the sign out in the middle of nowhere that read 'Harvest Assembly'.
Matthew 9:37-38....Then He said unto His disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.
My revelation from this trip is: I went in September, during the fall feasts, the season of harvest. The name of the church was Harvest Assembly, and we are to declare that the Lord is coming soon to all we can. We are to be the labourers to bring in the harvest of souls.
This banner declares that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and every knee is going to bow to Him one day soon regardless of who is being prayed to at our capital this week-end.