Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Birth Of A Ministry

I never dreamed that the birth of a grandchild would also birth a ministry. In my previous post I told about my son and daughter-in-love expecting their first child. I used to crochet years ago and taught my dl the only pattern I knew. I decided to buy some yarn to make a baby blanket. As I worked on this blanket, I would pray over my new grandchild that would be receiving it.

My dl would come to my house and she worked on a blanket she was making and I would work on mine. On one of these visits, my dl and son told me about a ministry at their church where the ladies were making prayer shawls and giving them out to people that needed healing or comfort. I visited some classes at their church to find out more and learned to make a shawl using a loom.

Here is my first finished prayer shawl. I knew who would be receiving this so I prayed over this person for her healing of cancer.
Today our Pastor presented the first Prayer Shawl to this particular lady.
This is what it looked like folded and with a ribbon around it.

The card on the shawl says: This Prayer Shawl was handmade representing the tangible evidence of prayer and love for you. As it was created, you were prayed for. We asked the Lord Jesus for you to receive His healing, His love, and His hope. As you wrap yourself in this shawl, may you find His comfort as it represents His arms around you.
The ladies at our weekly Bible Study prayed over this shawl this past week before it was given away.
Who would have thought that making a baby blanket for the birth of a child, would birth a ministry of prayer and love for others in need. It's exciting what God is doing!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Abigail Hope Does the name of a child really matter??? If you are a Christian and have studied the Bible, you know how important a name is. Many times a name was given in anticipation of what that child would become....someone good and honorable not only to the parents but to the Lord also.

My son and daughter-in-love are expecting their first child soon and her name will be Abigail Hope. What a wonderful name to have especially in these times we are living in right now.

Abigail.....'Ab' means father and 'gail or giyl (Hebrew)' means joy, rejoice, gladness.
It is the name of two Israelitesses in the Bible.

Hope means a favorable and confident expectation. A forward look with assurance.
Hope describes the anticipation of good.

As believers in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we do not react to the events taking place around us as someone who has no hope because WE HAVE A HOPE AND A FUTURE!!!! We look forward with assurance to that hope 'Jesus' who came and died for our sins and is returning very soon.

Psalm 10:28....The hope (expectation) of the righteous will be gladness.

Just as I am excited about my new grand-daughter coming soon, I am even more excited about Jesus coming soon.

Abigail Hope....Her father's joy is expecting gladness from her life just as our Heavenly Father's Joy is expecting gladness from our life when we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

What a wonderful name of expectation we are waiting for!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What!!!!!! Ouija Board For Tots!!!!!

Here is a news clip I just received and thought I would share and see what you all think. As a young girl, I knew someone that had one. I never participated in using one because I heard the stories first hand of things that happened while using it. Even as a young girl, I knew that the spirit world was real and I didn't want anything to do with the evil side of it.

Maybe one of these days I'll have permission to blog about lives that were destroyed because of playing around in the occult world.

Ouija board a controversial toy for tots

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/3/2010

Toys R Us is selling Ouija boards, promoting them as acceptable for children as young as eight years old. The pink edition of the Ouija board is listed for girls eight-years-old and up while the regular version is designated for all children eight and up.

Stephen Phelan, communications manager of Human Life International, checked the website and reports that the findings are disturbing. "It is just troubling that these things are treated as casually as any other game, like Monopoly or anything else on this Toys R Us site -- and I think it's something Christians should be aware of and really not support," he states.

He further believes that Christians have an obligation to fight against it. "If you go to the comments section on the Toys R Us [web]site, you'll read comments from people who talk about being obsessed with it, talk about missing school for it, talk about the spirits they spoke to on the other side and how creepy it was," Phelan describes.

The communications manager adds that the primary groups that deny the evils of the Ouija board are the ones who deny the spirit world entirely.

He goes on to say Christians have a biblical mandate. "We're supposed to deal with the truth only," he notes. "We're supposed to have nothing to do with dark spirits. We're not supposed to dabble in anything that would compromise our souls, and that's exactly what this does."

The manufacturer of the product is Hasbro.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Treasures Of The Snow

Living in the country does have it's advantages. One of those being an undisturbed landscape of beauty when it snows. This one is from my living room at daybreak this morning 2-1-2010.

Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning: Psalm 59:16

I send beauty from my place to yours.

Our pond in the front of our property.

Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7

The tree that had a swing on it that our children played on many years ago.

He gives snow like wool. Psalm 147:16

Another view from our house.
Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Isaiah 1:18

Now I lay me down to sleep.

Sunset as we were out feeding our cows a few weeks ago.

From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord's name is to be praised. Psalm 115:3