One of those 'appointed times' has been my birthday in March. Many years ago, my sister gave me this doll for my birthday. Her name was Sister Faith and she was carrying a scroll that said 'Amazing Grace' which is my favorite old song and 'The Old Rugged Cross'. What my sister doesn't know is how that doll has impacted my life and blessed me over the years. That is why my blog is called Sister.Faith.
As I look back over the years at my birthdays, I came to realize that it isn't just a time to celebrate when I was born, but a time to celebrate 'Appointments with God'. One of those 'appointments' was a name 'Sister Faith' that would be used years later. Last year it was the birth of a Bible Study, and this year it was the birth of a Prayer Shawl Ministry. There were many other 'appointments' that I have remembered that always happened around my birthday.
Coincidence????? I don't believe in coincidences!!!!!!
God has blessed me with so many 'Good Friends'. I'm a little late on posting but here are pics on my birthday March 6th. These are gifts from the Bible Study Group. We call ourselves 'Third Day Sisters' because we meet on Tuesday the 3rd day. And the 3rd day was double blessed during the time of creation. It was the only day that God said "It was good" twice.

And the beautiful cake my birth sister Norma bought me.

It made it even more special since she was the one that gave me the doll years ago called Sister Faith.